YouTube Video Segments:
Rats Driving & River Cleaning Device
Auto Brewery Syndrome & Celiac Nanoparticle Treatment
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Show Notes:
Washington Post: Rats are capable of driving tiny cars, researchers found. It eases their anxiety.
Bloomberg TicToc: Boyan Slat’s Ocean Cleanup Reveals its New River-Cleaning ‘Interceptor’ Device
Time: A Dutch Inventor Has Unveiled a Device that Scoops Plastic out of Rivers
WKBW TV | Buffalo, NY: What is Auto Brewery Syndrome
CBS New York: Breakthrough Hold Promise For Those With Celiac Disease, Gluten Issues
CBS Evening News: California governor orders an investigation into the mystery surcharge on gas
RT America: Judge halts 7-year-old’s sex change, sides with dad
Fox News: Case of a 7-year-old who wants to gender transition
NY Times: Texas Father Says 7-Year-Old Isn’t Transgender, Igniting a Politicized Outcry
BioMed Reserach International: Gender Dysphoria: Bioethical Aspects of Medical Treatment
Democracy Now!: Laverne Cox says trans folks are “coming out of the shadows” and won’t be sent back
07/12/2014 Katie Couric: Laverne Cox Interview w/Katie Couric