Show Notes:
Axios: The trouble with smart cities
Tech Crunch: Taxing your Privacy
YouTube: The Agenda with Steve Paikin:A Bumpy Road for Sidewalk Labs
The Age: We banned phones at our school and everyone’s happier now
NY Times: Depressed and Anxious? These Video Games Want to Help
YouTube: Sea of Solitude: Official Teaser Trailer | EA Play 2018
YouTube: Tedx Talks: Can a video game save a life? | Johnny Chiodini | TEDxOldham
YouTube: EuroNews: Initiative to ensure all new cars sold in EU will have speed limiters by 2022
CNN: Europe will require carmakers to install speed limiters from 2022
Motherboard: Education and Science Giant Elsevier Left Users’ Passwords Exposed Online
Insider Higher Ed: UC Drops Elsevier
Gizmodo: 2 Million Credit Cards Exposed After Hack of Buca di Beppo, Planet Hollywood and Others
ScienceDaily: Need to increase diversity within genetic data sets
Time: The USDA Forced Kittens to Become Cannibals for Research, Watchdog Report Says
PubMed: Handb Clin Neurol (Journal) : Toxoplasmosis
YouTube: RT: USDA Sued For Experimenting on Cats
Time: Promising Male Birth Control Pill Is Safe and Effective, Study Says
Inverse: New Male Birth Control Method Preserves a Very Important Part of Sex
BBC: Male pill – why are we still waiting?
ScienceDaily: Contraceptive jewelry could offer a new family planning approach
NY Times Book Review: Drug Epidemics, Past and Present
CNN: Purdue Pharma to pay $270 million to settle historic Oklahoma opioid lawsuit
NY Times: Purdue Pharma and Sacklers Reach $270 Million Settlement in Opioid Lawsuit
NY Times: Purdue Pharma and Sacklers Reach $270 Million Settlement in Opioid Lawsuit
NY Times: Museums Cut Ties With Sacklers as Outrage Over Opioid Crisis Grows
Mother Jones: Guggenheim Rejects Opioid-Family Money. But These Museums Are Still Taking It.
WJLA: Family pets are being hurt so addicts can get opioids from veterinarians
BBC: Malawi’s antibiotics crisis: Why the drugs don’t work for some
CNN: Physician groups call for taxes and regulations on kids’ access to sugary drinks
NY Times: Two Top Medical Groups Call for Soda Taxes and Advertising Curbs on Sugary Drinks
DailyMail: ‘We’ve tried and failed.
BBC: How many cigarettes in a bottle of wine?
Inverse: Synthetic ‘Alcarelle’ Promises to Make You Feel Drunk Without the Hangover
DailyMail: Synthetic alcohol that gets you drunk WITHOUT the hangover
ScienceDaily: Patients with or without cancer use different forms of marijuana, study finds
Gizmodo: Why Increased Pot Use in Colorado Is Sending More People to the Hospital
BBC Video: The woman who feels no pain
BBC: The woman who doesn’t feel pain
CNN: Woman who feels no pain could help scientists develop new painkillers
NY Times: At 71, She’s Never Felt Pain or Anxiety. Now Scientists Know Why.
DailyMail: The woman who can NOT feel pain
NY Times: How Pain Tolerance and Anxiety Seem to Be Connected
ScienceDaily: A new model to trial preventative treatments for schizophrenia
ScienceDaily: Schizophrenia: 30 genes under suspicion
DailyMail: Does pollution cause PSYCHOSIS?
CNN: Psychosis in teens may be linked to an unlikely culprit: air pollution
NY Times: Air Pollution Tied to Mental Health Issues in Teenagers
BBC: City air pollution ‘link to teenage psychotic experiences’ explored
CNN: Safety watchdog questions FDA’s approval of Parkinson’s psychosis drug
CNN: FDA proposes changes to mammography standards for first time in more than 20 years
NY Times: Mammogram Centers Must Tell Women if They Have Dense Breasts, F.D.A. Proposes
NY Times: Behold the Beefless ‘Impossible Whopper’
YouTube: KOMO News: Seattle is Dying
2017 Drug Use Trends in King County, Washington
Sales Tax Handbook: Washington Tobacco
Sales Tax Handbook: Washington Alcohol